We arrived at the Blue Marlin bar a little early and spoke with some folks and looked around.
Bikes were already lined up across the street from the crowded parking lot, the riders inside signing up for the poker run.
Decent folk were still in church and motorcyclists had streets nearly to themselves.
Chris, who hosts a jam session at the Blue Marlin, volunteered his sound equipment and tent so, along with high clouds, low wind and temperature (82°F/ 27.7°C), we had it made in the shade.
At sixty past noon, Pete kicked things off, and while some folks were poker running others enjoyed barbecue and shopped the auction items, some store bought or donated, some hand crafted.
We finished and cleared the bandstand only to find that the next pickers were running behind so another talented sing/songwriter, Harley racer and Renaissance man, Dan Brodhag (aka “Dano”) was persuaded to entertain in the meantime.
I don’t get much opportunity to play music with Dan, so when he asked if I’d care to accompany him I jumped at the chance.
I don’t see most of these folks as often as I’d like to so Jill and I hung out and socialized, some.
One of the bikers from across the bay, who is of my generation, introduced me to a young couple he had in tow who are new to motorcycling. The young woman told him she hadn’t known that bikers “do so much”. He’s been showing them around, like that old tramp who schools the young, passing down the traditions; they are in good company.
A good day, all told. We were able to help one neighbor while entertaining others. We’re lucky that way.
Sunday, it rained.
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