Saturday morning the day promised to be cool and damp with the temperature never reaching above 60°F/16°C and the humidity never reaching below 97%. This isn't our first winter. We dressed appropriate for a day we planned to spend in the wind, riding the Santa's Helpers toy drive poker run out of beautiful Aransas Pass, Texas.
On our way to the event, we collected our traveling companion, Nurse Jo, who abandoned her title of "back rest" in favor of "back warmer" which suited me just fine, given the conditions.
Into the mouth of the Hawk we rode, accompanied by our Indian companions, Cool Arrow and Reacharound who were headed for a bead pulling contest on the west end of town. Our roads diverged as we crossed the harbor and set our wheels on the Nueces Bay Causeway. Arriving at the Aransas Pass Moose Lodge, we said your howdies, shook some hands, hugged some necks and admired the new paint on Bob's trike

The second Saturday in December is entirely likely to be cold and wet; dabblers tend to stay at home with their bikes safe from the great outdoors. Motorcycles were heavily outnumbered by cars and I thought one of our trio might draw the high poker hand, this year, if only by default.
There were a few other riders out there and, for a short time, they bottle necked at the ever-popular Blue Marlin Saloon on Corpus Christi's "North Beach".

Since we were not really in need of anything cold to drink, we exchanged pleasantries and made our way back outside. We'd seen this Harley earlier, in Port Aransas, and Jo got off to the riders unusual helmet. That must be why we overlooked the unusual handlebars. As we were admiring them Jo asks me if I feel "intimidated". What is it with chicks, anyhow?
Since we were not really in need of anything cold to drink, we exchanged pleasantries and made our way back outside. We'd seen this Harley earlier, in Port Aransas, and Jo got off to the riders unusual helmet. That must be why we overlooked the unusual handlebars. As we were admiring them Jo asks me if I feel "intimidated". What is it with chicks, anyhow?
I suppose I could have told her that I modeled for the things but experience has taught that such claims usually result in derisive laughter. The world has changed considerably since those days when we bought "titty grips" to replace the stock items.
My taste runs more to the bars on this sharp 750 Shadow.
From thence (thence?) we made our way back across the bays to the City of Ingleside. About three years ago, my band participated in a fund raiser/poker run, there, at the Buckhorn Saloon. The rider turn out was fantastic and the number of musicians who pitched in and the quality of their performances is remembered vividly by those who attended. This time out, it was considerably quieter.
There were about ten Harley-Davidson motorcycles parked on the street and a nearly equal number of riders shooting pool inside. Our stop here was brief and as we departed the pool shooters invited the lovely Nurse Jo to stay and socialize, a bit. Bikers are a friendly bunch. She graciously declined, perhaps bedazzled by my stylish bumblebee jacket and tan Frogg Toggs, a bold fashion statement midst a sea of leather jackets and chaps.

We returned to the lodge where I had the high poker hand for just about as long as it takes to tell about it. The music was good and the company was good but soon enough it was time to begin our return trek.
We returned to the lodge where I had the high poker hand for just about as long as it takes to tell about it. The music was good and the company was good but soon enough it was time to begin our return trek.
A lot of the flavor of the event was lost, in my estimation, when it moved from its ten-year home at the biker bar, to the lodge. The few bikes that were ridden were squeezed out of the, otherwise, spacious parking lots.

Next year I may just mail a donation.
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